When confronted with side by side photos of these two gorgeous gals, even the most hawkish Hollywood eye may question the identity of the true Penelope.
Most certainly Penelope Cruz.
If you could not surmise the second to be Ms. Cruz, then please, never subject yourself to a glorious game of Hollywood squares. Your calling in life does not involve what some may deem "useless," celeb trivia. However, for those of us who unashamedly embrace celeb culture and are not fooled by dark shades or uncoiffed tresses, congrats. I now welcome you into the ranks of true celeb stalkerdom. I count myself as Lord-ess Lindsay of the "stalkerities."
*Stalkerities: individuals who fancy themselves equal to celebrities simply because they are familiar with every detail, no matter how seemingly small, of stars activities and or physical person.
Still, if you are unwilling to admit you will never shine in our celeb centered world, let's take a quiz. I enjoy lists, so please answer these questions, either mentally or aloud to your undersized, over-pampered pooch named Muffin.
1. When confronted with colorful displays of "Star" and "People" at your local 7 Eleven, do you guilty grab one only to ditch your grape Slurpee due to the fact you barely have 3 dollars in change?
2. While watching Anderson Cooper drone on about gas prices you doze; HOWEVER, your heartbeat revives and you quickly decide to give a darn about world events ONLY after images of Brangelina flit across the screen when Cooper announces the couple's adoption of their thirteenth child from Zimbabwe.
3. OR, when dining in a noisy restaurant with friends and Becky asks you, "What's your view on the Prez?" you mistakenly say, "Oh Perez, it was good today, his penis art has grown less obtrusive."
2. While watching Anderson Cooper drone on about gas prices you doze; HOWEVER, your heartbeat revives and you quickly decide to give a darn about world events ONLY after images of Brangelina flit across the screen when Cooper announces the couple's adoption of their thirteenth child from Zimbabwe.
3. OR, when dining in a noisy restaurant with friends and Becky asks you, "What's your view on the Prez?" you mistakenly say, "Oh Perez, it was good today, his penis art has grown less obtrusive."
If you mumbled "yes," either to yourself or Muffin, WELCOME. However, if you believe Ms. Cruz to still be with the likes of Josh Hartnett, darlin, it's time to study something else, like the art of crochet. Or perhaps, the current political climate of our nation. Or EVEN, the state history of Oklahoma. Whatever your passion, work it. But move over, and let the stalkerities debate the debacle which is Speidi.