we're OK with LA.

midwest mavericks makin' the move.

We fixin' to get er' done y'all.

By canoe.
By covered wagon.
By painted pony heavily ladened with saddlebags and other stereotypical western things.

We, my roommates and I, have traveled thus to reach the city of angels; the city of boobs, bleached blonds, and Britney. Whether we, my roommates and I, hail from cowboys or Indians, what common bond unites us? Tis the glorious state of our birth, a jewel situated smack in the armpit of America, Okla-flippin-homa. If y'all are going to be active, contributing members to this "blog" of sorts, I do not demand much. I shall not insist you strap a shotgun to your boyfriend jeans, nor stick a feather in that hippie headband, or even 'become a fan of Oklahoma' on facebook. However, I must adamantly ask you to familiarize yourself with certain Oklahoma-isms.

1. These boots ARE made for walking.
2. Wind DOES come sweeping down the plains.
3. Surreys ALWAYS look best with the fringe on top.

After all, if juicy James Marsden with his boyishly, charming grin, searing, cerulean blue eyes and luxurious locks that scream "RAVAGE ME," originates from Oklahoma, it can't be that bad.



Yes, I'm more than man enough to answer, I'm woman enough. Just like Carrie Underwood.

That's right, another Okie has answered the all consuming Cali call that tempts with thoughts of achieving allusive dreams. Not to assume I have yet joined the ranks of this seemingly soft spoken yet sassy songstress. But I, along with my Oklahoma born n' breed "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 1 (not 2)" roommates, will undoubtedly and unashamedly live the dream.


Now, let us take into consideration Miss Carrie Underwood. Carrie embraces the notion she is "Young and Beautiful," refuses to spend her life "Wasted;'' therefore, insists that "Jesus Take the Wheel" in order to attain more than a "So Small" slice of the proverbial Hollywood pie, and at the end of the day will force her way "Inside Your Heaven."

Dang gina.

With one run on sentence I have captured Carrie's essence using song titles from her own self titled album. That my friends, is talent. And why pray tell, when she could have her pick of the prime Hollywood litter, would she opt for the young pup, Mike Fisher? Drop this hockey hottie and hit up, or at the very least hook up, with James Marsden. Yes, he may be married, but when two beautiful people are so genetically gifted, there is no course of action but to shed the self constricting shackles of current relationships to unite in long term bliss. And by long term I mean a solid three months. This is Hollywood y'all.

And THIS is also where I find myself. Like Ms. Spears, "I'm not a girl, not yet a woman."

Okay, but seriously, enough of the imposed lyrical loony-niess.

Give me a chance to rock your world, and vice versa. Stay posted for videos, musings, and ridiculous posts as I, with my constant companions, make my way through El Lay.

Don't hate the 918*, but let's make CALI GREAT.

* A slang reference to the area code in the city of my birth, Tulsa, Oklahoma.